Farmers guide is produce from our practical years of experience in poultry farming, The book is self explanatory with pictorial images of some diseases and herbs to use at any given time. And the dosage needed for the birds with simple steps for the mixing of the concussions for the birds, The book covers many of the natural ways chickens are manage organically. Indeed it is a vital tool to anyone that wants to practice organic poultry farming. To grap a copy of this book kindly whatsapp me on +234-8068-260-052 the cost is only N1500 less than price of a chicken in the market.
Whether you own many birds or just a few, some poultry diseases can be devastating to your flock; and, potentially to other flocks nearby. Diseases can spread from a backyard flock to a commercial flock through exposure to wildlife, parasites, or human traffic causing major losses to the operation. Fortunately, taking certain precautions can reduce the spread and effects of such diseases. A group of actions that are used specifically to prevent the spread of diseases is called a biosecurity plan. Putting these prevention practices into place won’t guarantee that birds will never get sick, but it will significantly lower the risk to a flock and greatly reduce the risk of transmitting diseases between birds or flocks. Every flock owner should establish a biosecurity plan to protect his or her flock. The information provided here will help you develop a plan for your flock by identifying ways in which diseases are introduced into a flock and how you can prevent them from spreading to...